
Reaching today's culture with positive life affirming choices

Embracing Options is a fully-funded program of His Branches whose mission is to reach the culture of today with positive, life affirming choices relating to pregnancy and sexual activity.

About 70% of Embracing Options clients come from the surrounding community by word of mouth or after seeing the brightly colored signs in front of our centers. We’re reaching out to a broader audience, too, because many more of our clients are using the internet and finding us in Google search. 20% of our clients are teens. Click here or on our logo above to visit our dedicated website.

We believe that the City of Rochester needs many centers surrounding the city to serve clients from their local areas. Our first satellite center is in Webster; we’ve helped develop another center in the Bay-Goodman area, which has one of the highest abortion rates in Rochester; and we’re working collaboratively with several local centers in providing free informational ultrasound services to women.

We take every opportunity to educate on pre-natal development and offer parenting classes and material aid. We’ve also discovered that our city has alarmingly high rates of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). We’re concerned about the spread of life-threatening illnesses like these and so are many of our clients. In response, we’ve developed STD screening and counseling programs for men and women at both of our sites and are recruiting more counselor-trainees.

Click here or on the Embracing Options logo above to find out more about us and how you can receive or give help.


Counseling Community Health