Getting Started is Easy!
Our own shopping portal,
where every purchase benefits both of us.
- Visit our website by clicking here.
- Register as a Preferred Customer – there is no cost to you!
- Click “Sign in” in the upper right hand corner
- Select the “Create a new account”
- Follow the prompts
- Use as the referring email
- You’re now eligible to earn up to 35% CASH BACK on qualified purchases.
- HINT! Bookmark the His Branches Mall on as a Favorite so you can come back anytime you’re shopping online.
- Each time you sign in, you’ll see message like this:
- Ready to go shopping? Here are some tips to get you going:
Shopping at the His Branches Mall
How to make the most of your shopping experience!
Once you’ve logged onto the page, click on the BFF logo (like the one at the right) to download your free BFF [Best Friend Forever] SHOP BUDDY- he will remind you if you forget to go to the mall first to shop and shows you all of the sales, specials, promotions that are available from the store you will shop at.
- To find the item you want at the lowest price, put the item name in the SEARCH BAR to search over 35 million different products and services for things you’re looking for. The results will tell you the price range of the item and the amount of cashback you will receive.
- If you want to purchase the item at a still lower price, select PRICE ALERT and set the price you’re willing to pay
. The computer will search through the 3000+ stores to find your price for 60 days. You will be notified when the price is found.
- You can also add items to MY LIST so family and friends know what gifts you would like for Christmas, birthday, and other occasions
. MY LIST can also be used for products you purchase on a regular basis to make your shopping more efficient.
- Don’t know what to buy? A gift card from SHOP.COM allows your customer to purchase at any of the more than 3000 stores! Find the Holiday Gift Center on the left menu bar.
- Still don’t know what to buy, but want something more personal than a gift card? eGifts allows you to select a variety of gifts in your price range. The choices are sent to the recipient and they may select one of the gifts you selected. The price is not revealed. When the gift is selected, mails the gift and then and only then is your credit card charged.
- Still need a new idea? Select AUCTIONS in the blue menu bar. All items start at $1 and if no one else bids, you win the item for $1!! [plus shipping]. There is jewelry, watches, travel, collectables, home and more. If you are out bid, you pay nothing.
- Looking for printing? Try our sponsor, uPrinting, by clicking on the link below:
- Then get ready to Go Shopping!